AR & Emerging Tech

Part One of Six
Augmented Reality in Context
I’ve taken my Augmented Reality & Emerging Technologies presentation, and serialized it into six video episodes. The first of which is featured above. The following five episodes have been animated and scripted. They will be released in sequence as I complete the voice-over.
On a side note, I have just returned from France where I was attending Laval Virtual and, thanks to Ben Thomas, had the opportunity to tour the impressive advanced technology showroom at Echangeur in Paris. In fact, it is thanks to Ben that I was able to make it to Laval at all. When the French train workers’ union went on strike, he rented a car to drive us down.
Sources, References & Inspirations:
VIDEO: Dennou Coil
the complete series (links to episode 1)
PDF: Man-Computer Symbiosis
by J.C.R. Licklider, 1960
(PDF also includes The Computer as a Communication Device by J.C.R. Licklider & Robert Taylor, 1968)
PDF: Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework
by D.C. Engelbart, 1962
WEB: Memorandum For Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network
by J.C.R. Licklider, 1963
PDF: Future Multimedia User Interfaces
by Steven Feiner & Blair MacIntyre, 1996
PDF: Augmented Reality: A Class of Displays on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum
by Paul Milgram with Haruo Takemura, Akira Utsumi and Fumio Kishino, 1994
(PDF automatically downloads as a local file)
PDF: Metaverse Roadmap
by John Smart, Jamais Cascio and Jerry Paffendorf, 2007

Reader Comments (1)
Another very well-known book, from 96, is The Reality Disfunction by Peter F. Hamilton. This postulates ubiquitous presence of "Neural Nanonics" - devices directly interfaced with the nervous system and a worldwide (and actually galaxies-wide, in the book) network, as well as local processing and storage. The common-place usage of AR is very thoroughly explored and is much more deeply integrated into the user's life than has often been presented. As such a scenario suggests, biotechnology is also fantastically advanced and integrated into society. An excellent book that makes the hard science and speculation very accessible.